I'll say that when I received The Gospel According to Jesus, I expected to read accounts from Jesus' perspective, from the title of the book. When I opened the book to start reading, I felt like the title didn't seem to fit.Chris Seay, the author, right away went into the topic of righteousness. He expounds on what righteousness is NOT for several pages, and then at the end of the chapter, has a few paragraphs explaining what he feels righteousness means.
I was disappointed at this book. As I said, I feel that Seay's title doesn't quite fit with the direction of his book. At times, I felt like the direction was going a bit off. It wasn't an easy book to follow. At times, I was somewhat confused by what he was trying to say. For example, in discussion of the gospel and what it means, Seay seemed like he was going to hit the nail on the head so to speak, but there were several areas I felt he should've hit on: namely, the cross. The cross was not avoided being mentioned, nor His death and resurrection, but I felt that Seay could've expounded on this more. After all, the title of the book is "The Gospel According to Jesus".
I wish I could rate this book a bit higher, but I'm afraid that I cannot highly recommend it. I think there's a lot that is left out in "showing" the gospel of Christ. I think Seay should've focused on the gospel and have left it at that. There was too much confusing filler that left me disenchanted.
Here's the run-down of what I think of the book:
Ease of reading ................ 2/5
Supporting Details ............. 3/5
Sufficient Length .............. 4/5
Ability to hold my interest ... 3/5
Overall Impression ............. 3/5
Supporting Details ............. 3/5
Sufficient Length .............. 4/5
Ability to hold my interest ... 3/5
Overall Impression ............. 3/5
I am a member of BookSneeze, a fabulous program through Thomas Nelson. BookSneeze sends members free books to read and keep in exchange for written reviews on a blog and on a major retailer's website (such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble).