Heart of Lies, written by Jill Marie Landis, a book in the Irish Angel Series, is a historical romantic fiction novel about a woman who was taken from her sisters as a child and forced into a life of lies and thievery in New Orleans. After her thieving group disbands, Maddie Grande still finds herself in a precarious situation when her "brothers" decide to kidnap the child of a wealthy man for ransom. Against her will, Maddie agrees to keep the child, but on second thought decides to take the child to another woman's home to hide the child.
When Pinkerton detective Tom Abbott comes knocking in search for a missing adult, he finds himself thrust into a case of kidnapping when he discovers that Maddie may be an accomplice. What he didn't expect was that Maddie's charm would eat at his resolve to solve two cases.
I loved the intrigue of this book. The writing was very easy to follow, and the dialog between Tom and Maddie was great. The characters were portrayed well, and I found myself on the edge of my seat quite often as I read the book.
For anyone who loves a nice, romantic historical fiction, I think you'll like this one!
I received Heart of Lies as a complimentary gift in exchange for review from Zondervan.