The Greatest Patriot, written by Daniel Sullivan, is a story that would captivate any JFK conspiracy theorist junkie. However, this is no conspiracy theory. It's a work of fiction, but don't let that deter you from enjoying the story, if this type of book interests you. In this novel author Daniel Sullivan has interestingly weaved a story into the possibility that the whole JFK assassination thing was a fake, a cover-up, a farce. Because of the threat that JFK was presented by Russian leader Nikita Khrushche, he (with the help of his aids and powers-that-be) hatched a plan to remove himself from office, with the idea that doing so would stave off a third world war. This story will take you through the story from JFK's "assassination" to his moving to Aristotle Onassis' island Skorpios on the Ionean Sea. You'll follow how JFK affected political wars, his relationships with his family and friends while exiled, and his loneliness.
This book is written in a unique way. There are no chapters, and at first, that was a bit shocking and unattractive. The way the story is divided is into portions of time. For example, the story is told in the present day and in the past (1963-64, etc.), so the reader is taken back and forth quite often. That was another thing that I had to get used to. The point of view switched quite frequently (at times as often as every page), and at first it was difficult to remember who was whom. There were a lot of characters introduced in the first thirty pages or so, and I had to make a note in my notebook so that I wouldn't forget who was whom.
The author did a good job in making his characters seem real. JFK and his friend Hal were very well plotted, from descriptions of facial expressions to his description of Jack's cigarette smoking.
However, there were a few things that distracted me from the story. There were a couple of misspellings (which isn't uncommon at times in books--not all spelling errors are caught), and there were a few cases of POV issues where the story was told from one person's point of view, but Daniel described what a secondary character was feeling. There were quite a few grammatical errors and some instances where words were missing as well. And since most of my readers are Christians who like to know in advance, there were quite a few instances of language.
Ultimately, I found this story very fascinating (conspiracy theories are a guilty indulgence of mine :P), but I was disappointed by the errors and language.
I was given the opportunity to read and review this book for free for Media Guests. My comments and opinions are my own; I was not required to give a positive review.
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