Belonging, by Robin Lee Hatcher, is a Christian Historical romance novel set in 1897.Set in a desert town called Frenchman's Bluff, Idaho, Felicia Kristoffersen has found herself set for an adventure as a school teacher for the first time. Having had her training for years but never actually been hired to teach, Felicia was a bit nervous. And so was the local merchant and widowed Colin Murphy, whose daughter Charity has reading problems.
Felicia just happens to be boarding in a little home on Colin's land and soon discovers Colin's hesitancy toward having her as the schoolmarm. In fact, he even voted against having her come!
Felicia's background plays a big part in her story. Her father had abandoned her and her siblings, and left her with a beloved mother who was dying. When Felicia and her siblings became orphans and went their separate ways to different families in different parts of the country, this leaves Felicia with trepidation and inadequacy.
I thoroughly enjoy Robin's books. She's one of my favorite authors because she's able to balance a well-plotted story with well-fleshed characters and leave you wishing there was more to the story!!
Belonging is the beginning of a series. The second book is called Betrayal, and the third is Beloved.
Betrayal, the second book in the Where the Heart Lives series by Robin Lee Hatcher, is set in 1899, on a ranch in western Wyoming.
Drifter Hugh Brennan has had his share of sorrow, betrayal, and disappointment. Making his way west to find his sister Felicia, Hugh finds himself without food and money. Finding himself on a little ranch belonging to widow Julia Grace, he soon becomes her employee.
Julia Grace has recently been widowed. Her abusive husband dead, she finds herself inundated with repairs she can't take care of, taxes she can barely pay, and an annoying brother-in-law who will stop at nothing to take her land from her.
With Hugh's help, Julia soon discovers that not all men are like her dead husband. Hugh is resourceful, patient, and kind, and she finds herself drawn to his gentle ways. But when the going gets tough, will Hugh stick around?
This second book in the series was absolutely fantastic! Robin did an excellent job fleshing out these characters, and I genuinely look forward to the third book in this series.
Thanks to Zondervan for sending me two extra copies of these books. I'll be giving these away next month, so be sure to come back for the giveaway.
I received Belonging and Betrayal as a complimentary gift in exchange for review from Zondervan.