Refuge on Crescent Hill is a Christian mystery written by Melanie Dobson. Set in a small town called Etherton, the story revolves around Camden Bristow, a broke, homeless and jobless photographer who decides to return to her grandmother with the hopes that things will get better for her. Crescent Hill, a mansion on a crescent-shaped hill, is where her grandmother lives. When Camden arrives home and finds that her grandmother has died and she's the estate beneficiary, she finds that the situation is not as easy as she thought. When mysterious sounds and a mysterious woman are found in the house and items turn up missing, Camden finds herself in a tailspin to figure out what's going on. What she doesn't realize is that she's not who she thinks she is, and that another family in town is just dying to get a hold of treasure that is supposedly hidden on the property.
Alex Yates, in charge of bringing new businesses (and profits) to the small town, finds himself involved when the city decides that Crescent Hill mansion was falling apart and is in need of condemning. Drawn by Camden and her family's history (and moved by Alex's own sad family history), he decides to help her in any way that he can, even if it means he loses his job.
This story kept me on the edge of my seat, and the characters drew me in. The intrigue was really good; at times when I thought I had the story figured out, I later discovered I was wrong. I love it when that happens! Refuge on Crescent Hill also was inspired by a real mansion. You can view the pictures at Ms. Dobson's website here.
I received Refuge on Crescent Hill as a complimentary gift in exchange for review from Kregel Blog Tours. My comments and opinions are my own.
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