Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hospital Bags - What's going!

I've hit the 37 week mark! I have no idea when the baby will come. I've yet to have someone from the OB office suggest that I schedule the appointment for my cesarean. I'm going to ask at my next appointment so that hopefully we can at least have a suggested date. Both my previous births have had spontaneous membrane rupture, but that doesn't mean it'll happen again!

I've got everything ready for the baby to arrive. I'm quite bored now, and the nesting feeling is still there, but there's really very little left to do other than the typical school work with the boys, laundry, dishes, and decluttering. I've read and watched so much TV in my free time that I'm tired of that!

So anyway, I've got the hospital bags done and ready to roll. The only thing that's not done is putting my cell phone charger in my bag. But that can be done as I head out the door.

My Bag
It seems like my hospital bag for this baby is a lot fuller than previous hospital bags. lol I tend to over pack when I go somewhere, so you're seeing the results of that.

- two days' worth of clothes
- pajamas
- socks, including some with tread so I won't fall
- a pair of slip-on shoes to wear home (a $15 find at Walmart)
- toiletries (wash, lotion, deodorant, makeup, brush, hair spray, facial wipes, shampoo/conditioner, hand sanitizer, lip balm, coconut oil for dry skin)
- a hair scrunchy
- candy (of course!)
- Kindle
- my digital camera (not pictured--it was in use hehe)
- a disposable camera (my MIL's purchase in case she can't get to the hospital in time)
- Walmart bags for soiled clothes
- an extra bag for any take-home items that won't fit in my hospital bag

Baby's Bag
I've no idea how much this kiddo will weigh. Hopefully no more than 8 pounds, but my second son weighed 8lbs 3oz at 38 weeks, so if Joel is born at 39 weeks, he might be bigger. I just don't know. So I've got two outfits chosen to take him home in--one newborn size and one 0-3mos. Also included:

- nursing cover
- newborn diapers and wipes
- bibs
- changing pad, washcloth, receiving blanket
- a heavier blanket and heavy receiving banket
- two knitted/crocheted hats
- two pairs of mittens (all my kids have scratched the snot out of their faces at the hospital, so I'm sure this one will too)
- two pairs of booties and some knit booties
- three pairs of socks
- pacifiers
- brush, comb, nail kit
- hand sanitizer

Also I have a nursing pillow ready to roll as well. That was one thing I wished that I'd had at the hospital after my second son was born. Trying to nurse with pillows stacked everywhere isn't the easiest thing in the world, because they slide everywhere.

I also have a bag ready for our boys to take along to the hospital with their DS's, games, a Kindle Fire, and some activity books. We're all set--now, let's get the baby here!!