Saturday, October 25, 2014

NanoWrimo - November is Writing Month!

November is National Writing Month! Have you ever heard of NanoWrimo? It's a website dedicated to writing a manuscript during the month of November. The goal is to write a 50,000 word rough draft in November. You can submit your manuscript if you'd like to participate in their writing contest (where you can earn real prizes), or you can just use the website to kick-start your own writing.

On NanoWrimo, you can select your region, take part in the forums, find a buddy or two, and just generally be sociable during your writing process. There are also tools to get your inspiration flowing!

I took part in NanoWrimo three years ago, but never got my story finished. This year I'm hoping to get closer to that 50,000 mark so that I can say I at least did better than the last time.

Any other Wrimo'ers out there? If so, maybe we can swap names and be writing buddies!

During the month of November, I plan on updating on my NanoWrimo progress, so I hope you'll check back with me to see how it's going.

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