Monday, November 1, 2010

Unlocked - a Zondervan Review

First, I'll just get this little confession out of the way right now.

I AM A KAREN KINGSBURY FANGIRL. lol I discovered her nearly two years ago, and I feel like I've deprived myself of the years that I could've already been reading her books! She's truly been given a God-given gift of writing what she refers to as "Life Changing Fiction". It is definitely that, and for any of you who have read her books, I'm sure you would nod and smile your agreement. So now that I've made my confession, let's get on with my review. . . .

Unlocked, written by Karen Kingsbury, is an amazing story about a high school boy trapped inside himself. Having been autistic since the age of three, after what his mother suspected was too much exposure to mercury during vaccinations, Holden Harris and his loved ones found themselves trapped in a different type of world--a world of pain, sorrow, lost opportunities.

When Holden is reunited with his childhood playmate, Ella, a remarkable transformation is witnessed by his loved ones and his classmates.

This is an incredible story, the characters are portrayed beautifully, and if you don't find yourself tearing up, I would really be surprised. Karen has truly outdone herself with this one.

I don't want to give away more of the story, but I will say this: You simply must read this one!

Here's the run-down of what I think of the book:
Ease of reading ..................... 5/5
Supporting Details ................ 5/5
Sufficient Length ................... 5/5
Ability to hold my interest ... 5/5
Overall Impression ........ 5/5

I received Unlocked as a complimentary gift in exchange for review from Zondervan.

When you see this image, it represents books that I highly recommend!

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