Monday, April 16, 2012

The Harvest of Grace - a Waterbrook Multnomah review

Harvest of Grace by Cindy Woodsmall is the third book in the Ada's House series. This Amish fiction book was a pleasant read, and even at 354 pages, it doesn't feel like a long read. It is full of action, but I'll warn you that you'll probably want to read the first two books in this series before you try to read Harvest of Grace, because there are a lot of characters in this one whose stories are told in the first two books.

Sylvia Fisher and Aaron Blank are the two main characters in this story. You will also find a continuation of the stories of Cara Moore and Ephraim Mast as well as Lena Kauffman and Grey Graber.

Sylvia Fisher has left her home where her sister has betrayed her and married the man that Sylvia had promised to marry. Knowing that she needs to remove herself from Elam's gaze so that her feelings will fade for him, she moves to a dairy farm where she works tirelessly from dawn till nearly dusk.

Aaron Blank returns home after he's become sober, and the reception that he'd hoped he would get from his parents was not there. Hoping to gain his parents' merit and get them to sell the dairy farm so that he can open a store, Aaron finds that his task will not be easy when he lays eyes on the hard-working Sylvia Fisher.

The characters in this story are developed so beautifully. I truly enjoy a book whose characters I can see differing personalities. It's hard to peg characters, and sometimes they all seem to have the same type of personality, but Cindy does a good job with the individual character qualities of these characters.

Once I finished reading the book, I was sad to find out that this is the final book in the series. Too much was left open to me. I like an ending--a flat-out "that's-it-and-they-lived-happily-ever-after" story. What happens to Grey and Lennie? Are they able to have children? I'd like to see more of Cara and Ephraim as well. So sad that these folks' stories are through!

I received The Harvest of Grace as a complimentary gift in exchange for review from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers. My comments and opinions are my own.

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